
18.11.2014  // Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall Colombo, Sri Lanka

Scaling up Sustainable Transport Solutions to improve quality of life in cities

Pre-event to BAQ/EST 2014


Cities around the world are facing unprecedented challenge: a challenge of creating an urban ecosystem which allows people to live and travel from home to work at a low cost without causing environmental or other problems for fellow urban residents. While the world continues its march towards development of efficient transport systems, it also faces urgent global challenges, such as climate change, depletion of natural resources, traffic related accidents and population growth, all of which need to be addressed simultaneously. The complexity, size and scale of these challenges require cooperation among states, regions, organizations and various sectors of society.  Thus, transportation sector needs to shift towards a more sustainable path or solutions.
Sustainable transport solutions are solutions that meet the need of all residents regardless of their income; protect, preserve and enhance the health of the residents; and are not damaging to the present and future conditions for life. Sustainable solutions reduce energy consumption, reduce the space requirements for transport, reduce pollution and improve the welfare of disadvantaged groups such as the poor, the elderly, the handicapped and young children.


The objective of the 1-day training course is to provide insights on the link between land transport and climate change and to discuss strategies regarding the provision of sustainable transport. The course will be delivered in three interactive sessions, such as:

  • Tackling Climate Change by integrating land-use and transport planning
  • Promoting low-carbon choices
  • Using market mechanisms to encourage a shift to lower carbon transport

Official Partners

GIZ-SUTP, United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD), Clean Air Asia (CAA), Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority (SLSEA)


Participants are requested to register by sending an email containing name, agency, position, country to <link>gianina.panopio@cleanairasia.org; <link>vedant.goyal@giz.de before 10th November 2014.

Please find details on the <link http: www.baq2014est.org side_event-scaling_up_sustainabe_trans_sol.html external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>conference`s website.
