

Taking services closer to the citizens

The One-Stop Service Center in Jamalpur Pourashava, Bangladesh

Movie about the One Stop Shop
Movie about the One Stop Shop

GIZ, Good Urban Governance project, Bangladesh

The Government of Bangladesh aims to deliver citizen-responsive services that empower citizens, ensure their rights, and reduce corruption in the municipalities (pourashavas). Germany, through GIZ, is supporting this process by digitizing data management, improving interaction with citizens, and optimizing work flows within the municipal administration.

The educational video and horizontal learning approach is targeting other pourashavas and shall inspire them to adopt a similar approach with their own limited means and resources. The motto is "We have done it before and we believe that you can do it, too."

Watch the video:

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/HwT0XNxZGWQ" frameborder="0" height="400" width="100%"></iframe>

<link http: www.youtube.com _blank>


This video is a production of the Good Urban Governance project in Bangladesh, implemented by GIZ on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.
