Publikationen - Details

Cities SHIFT: Capacity building and networking for climate- and people-friendly mobility report

2020 - Measuring ecomobility in six cities in China, India, and Uganda

erstellt von:

Beatrice Ch’ng

herausgegeben von:

ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability


"With the pressing issues of congestion, air pollution, inequality, and climate change, the question is no longer if a sustainable and ecomobile transportation system will exist but when. Effective implementation can be realized by making an informed decision. This is imperative because you cannot manage what you do not know. This report demonstrates how the EcoMobility SHIFT+ tool can be adopted to assess and measure the transportation system of six cities in China, India, and Uganda. The EcoMobility SHIFT+ is a useful tool for local authorities to measure, assess, and act to improve ecomobility. Furthermore, evaluation and monitoring is an essential step in the process of developing sustainable urban mobility plans."






ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability

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