Publikationen - Details

COVID-19 in informal urban settlements

erstellt von:

Annie Wilkinson, Olivia Tulloch, Santiago Ripoll

herausgegeben von:

Social Science in Humanitarian Action


"Most of the information about COVID-19 and who is at risk is based on data from middle and high income contexts. Many of the recommendations (to wash hands, self-isolate and physically distance) assume basic living conditions and access to essential services (e.g. water, space etc). [...] Many of these strategies will not be possible to the same degree in low and middle income countries (LMICs), and especially not in urban informal settlements. With 1 billion people living in informal settlements, there is an urgent need to consider feasibility and develop locally appropriate approaches. This brief sets out key considerations for protecting informal urban settlements from the spread and impacts of COVID-19 and discusses what is known about vulnerabilities and how to support local action."






Social Science in Humanitarian Action

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