Publikationen - Details

Gender Mainstreaming in Urban Planning and Urban Development

erstellt von:

Elisabeth Irschik, Eva Kail, Astrid Klimmer-Pölleritzer, Andreas Nuss, Gregor Puscher, Manfred Schönfeld, Angelika Winkler

herausgegeben von:

Urban Development Vienna


The great variety of urban society is also reflected in its manifold sub-spaces and sites. By the same token, the interests of its inhabitants differ markedly, depending on life phases, life realities and the local environment.

Vienna is steadily growing. In view of rising population figures combined with increasingly scarce public resources, conflicts between competing forms of use are intensifying. For this reason, it is particularly important to clarify which aspects constitute key values or crucial resources for which population group or groups. Ultimately, the success of planning measures can be gleaned from their practical, everyday utility value. This calls for a high degree of sensitivity to capture the different needs of users. It is a central concern of gender mainstreaming to identify and obtain a systematic understanding of these needs and take equal account of them. Gender mainstreaming improves the “precise fit” of planning products and services and hence contributes essentially to quality assurance in planning.





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