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Global Report on Culture for Sustainable Urban Development

2016 - Culture: Urban Future - key resource for sustainable urban development

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"Among the 2030 Agenda’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, SDG 11 on sustainable cities makes it clear that culture has an essential role to play in realizing sustainable urban development, particularly through strengthened efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage. Building on SDG 11, the Culture for Sustainable Urban Development Initiative brings together national and local governments, universities and research centres, NGOs and civil society actors from across the globe around three main lines of action:

Launching and disseminating the UNESCO Global Report on Culture for Sustainable Urban Development, a ground-breaking report which presents a series of analyses and recommendations for fostering the role of culture for sustainable development. Drawing on a global survey implemented with nine regional partners and insights from scholars, NGOs and urban thinkers, the Report offers a global overview of urban heritage safeguarding, conservation and management, as well as the promotion of cultural and creative industries, highlighting their role as resources for sustainable urban development."







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