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Innovative measures of community-based monitoring as an instrument for inclusive urban development

erstellt von:

Peter Herrle, Astrid Ley, Sonja Nebel

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The GIZ sector projects ‘Program Millennium Goals and Poverty Reduction’ and ‘Policy Advice for Urban Development’ jointly support - on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) - CBM as an instrument for inclusive urban development. The objective is to improve monitoring and impact evaluation of inclusive urban development programs, to enhance decision-making and management processes of municipalities and strengthen the dialogue between them and urban poor groups. The joint measure includes a pilot project in Ethiopia and a survey in Bolivia as well as two studies by the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and Slum/Shack Dwellers International (SDI). The report at hand summarizes and reviews the findings from the three studies and a review of the CBM pilot project in Ethiopia. It gives tentative recommendations to development cooperation and urban development experts for future application of CBM as an instrument for inclusive urban development, and assesses the potential of CBM as a contribution to urban indicators with regards to the post- 2015 debate and MDG/SDG monitoring.







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