Publikationen - Details

Integration of shared mobility approaches in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning

2019 - Topic Guide

erstellt von:

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt, Dipl.-Geogr. Martina Hertel, Victoria Langer M.Sc., Fabian Drews, Emmily Wiedenhöft

herausgegeben von:

European Commission, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport


This document provides guidance on a specific topic related to Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP). It is based on the concept of SUMP, as outlined by the European Commission’s Urban Mobility Package1 and described in detail in the European SUMP Guidelines (second edition).

Numerous sharing concepts have emerged in recent years, which have been developing dynamically ever since. Some sharing concepts – esp. station-based car sharing - address alternatives to car ownership in order to reduce the space consumption, but others serve rather as an additional mobility option to get around: free floating car sharing and public bike rental systems, newer phenomena in the form of e-Scooter sharing and e-Moped sharing, on-demand mobility con­cepts (ride hailing and ride sharing) as well as the shared transport of goods (freight transport). The following brochure concentrates in particular on sharing services and the starting points for municipali­ties within a SUMP. It shows the steps in sustainable urban mobility planning when particular planning aspects must be taken into account while integrating sharing modes.







European Commission, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport

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