Publikationen - Details

International Evaluation of Public Policies for Electromobility in Urban Fleets

erstellt von:

Peter Slowik, Carmen Araujo, Tim Dallmann, Cristiano Façanha

herausgegeben von:

Projeto Sistemas de Propulsão Eficiente – PROMOB-e


"Transportation electrification is commonly seen as a key measure to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and mitigate climate change. Many urban environments are also grappling with severe air pollution and the resulting threats to public health, and cities are increasingly evaluating and implementing robust policies to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). Governments are also interested in the economic, industrial, and employment benefits from local development and manufacturing of emerging technologies such as EVs and their supporting infrastructure. Research shows that countries that adopt stringent environmental standards and a coordinated strategy for electromobility secure early-mover advantage for their firms, leading to the conditions that allow for industrial competitiveness in international markets."






Projeto Sistemas de Propulsão Eficiente – PROMOB-e

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