Publikationen - Details

Municipal energy efficiency projects in MENA

2021 - Detailed documentation of Connective Cities' virtual dialogue event, 18- 21 May 2021

erstellt von:

Shalan Muna

herausgegeben von:

Connective Cities


By 2030, the population in the MENA-region is expected to increase to 487 million people, 63 per cent of whom will live in cities and their surroundings. The expected population growth will increase the energy demand thus increasing the risk of future energy constraints.

Within the ambit of the learning process on municipal energy efficiency projects in MENA, the virtual dialogue event was held on the 18 - 20 May 2021. The dialogue event aimed at promoting the exchange of expertise on good practices for planning and implementing energy efficiency projects.

The virtual dialogue event was attended by 23 municipalities joining from Algeria, Germany, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Tunisia and Turkey. Working in groups, participants exchanged ideas, worked in collaboration, and developed project concepts addressing local needs and opportunities for energy efficiency in their cities. Throughout the dialogue event, participants showed high commitment to the program with a level of excitement that was particularly evident on day 3 of the event dedicated for peer advisory on challenges and developing project ideas.

The virtual dialogue event had the following direct outcomes:

  1.  Formation of a regional Community of Practice (CoP) that included 23 different municipalities from five countries in MENA in addition to Germany.
  2. Establishment of institutional relationships among municipalities with shared vision to achieve energy transformation and efficiency.
  3. Enrichment of the capacity of more than 23 municipal representatives in the field of energy efficiency project development and the showcasing of 21 different good practices from MENA, Germany, Southeast Europe, Southampton and South Africa.
  4. Successfully enabling the peer-to-peer advisory among different municipalities during group activities, in the main sessions, and during offline times.
  5. Development of 7 energy efficiency project ideas that are ready to be expanded into fullscale project proposal.

This report documents in detail the dialogue event.






Connective Cities

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