Publikationen - Details

Prevention of plastic waste in production and consumption by multi-actor partnerships

erstellt von:

Henning Wilts, Jennifer Schinkel, Lina Feder

herausgegeben von:

PREVENT Waste Alliance, Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH


This study outlines the objectives, structure and work programme of the PREVENT Waste Alliance and provides a background to the prevention of plastic waste by describing the need for action, environmental impacts and risks to human health. To pool the know-how and practical experience of the various stakeholders in the PREVENT Waste Alliance re-garding plastic waste prevention, the study presents examples of smart practices along the plastic value chain implemented by members of the working group “Conserving re-sources” and their partners. The focus is on multi-actor partnerships and examples that can be transferred to other countries. The examples cover education & consulting, the establishment of reusable options, the development of waste prevention infrastructure, innovative products, studies on plastic waste prevention as well as guidelines & over-views of best practice examples.
Finally, the study offers recommendations for the further work of the PREVENT Waste Al-liance. This includes success factors for plastic waste prevention, necessary next steps and conclusions regarding required policy frameworks.






PREVENT Waste Alliance, Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH

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