Publikationen - Details

Strengthening Local Economic Development

2018 - Connective Cities Practitioners' Workshop

erstellt von:

Dr. Manfred Poppe, Eva Sule

herausgegeben von:

Connective Cities


Connective Cities in collaboration with the "Municipal Know-how for Host Communities in the Middle East" programme and UCLG/ Bureau Technique des Villes Libanaises organised a Workshop on "Strengthening Local Economic Development" held in Beirut, Lebanon from 24 -26 October 2017.

The three-day workshop facilitated the analysis and planning of LED and the formulation of initial ideas for local action plans through exchanging good practices and relevant experience, as well as networking between Lebanese and German municipalities and institutions.

This short report provides a summary of the workshop, describing the starting situation in Lebanon, featuring good practices presented at the event and summarising the project ideas developed by the practitioners.






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