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Sustainable Urban Transport: Avoid-Shift-Improve (A-S-I)

2019 - INUA #9: Implementing the New Urban Agenda

erstellt von:

Daniel Bongardt, Lena Stiller, Anthea Swart, Armin Wagner

herausgegeben von:



"Cities today are challenged with meeting steadily increasing mobility demands. Providing additional road space has not helped to solve the pressing problems of unacceptable levels of congestion, air quality deterioration and increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in cities. In return, cities have not become more livable, and mobility remains far away from being human-centered.
What is required, therefore, is a fundamental rethinking of the paradigm by which mobility and city planning is guided. Inspired by the principles of sustainability, an alternative approach focuses on the mobility needs of people instead of car infrastructure. The approach, known as A-S-I (from Avoid/ Reduce, Shift/Maintain, Improve), seeks to achieve significant GHG emission reductions, reduced energy consumption, less congestion, with the final objective to create more livable cities."







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