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The 2030 Agenda: Sustainable urbanisation and the research-policy interface

2017 - Issues for the G20

erstellt von:

Edgar Pieterse

herausgegeben von:

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)


"The report sets out conceptual framework on what sustainable urbanisation actually entails, illuminating in particular the imperative of a paradigm shift on infrastructure and urban form that will secure a common, inclusive future given the population expansion.

It explores what exists within the G20 by way of research policy capacity on global urban issues, with a particular focus on the engagement group Think 20 (T20).  Examples of G20 affiliated urbanisation research capacity are also explored to illustrate modes of improving research-policy interfaces and it presents an overview of an ideal research-policy interface highlighting the importance of the replication of research-policy interfaces to advance sustainable urbanisation, the role of National Urban Platforms, urban policy deliberation and the role of think-tanks as strategic intermediaries.

The report concludes that the G20 can better utilise existing knowledge and generate new multi-stakeholder ‘urban’ research within and beyond its borders, but especially in rapidly urbanising regions to support, enhance and promote multi-stakeholder interaction and knowledge exchange."






Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

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