Publikationen - Details

The Development of Covid-19 recovery solutions at municipal level in the area of digitalisation and crisis management in the Southeast European region (SEE)

erstellt von:

Policy and Management Consulting Group

herausgegeben von:

Connective Cities


This report summarizes the activities developed under the project “The Development of COVID-19 Recovery Solutions at Municipal Level in the Areas of Digitalization and Crisis Management.” The project covered Southeast Europe and was conducted from September 2021 until December 2021.

The Report describes in detail the capacity-building processes conducted to support municipal resilience within the working groups of digitalization and crisis management over the course of several months, while also highlighting good practices that were identified and small urban initiatives that were developed together during the collaboration with urban practitioners from across the SEE region.

Additionally, the report covers processes and steps undertaken to support the expansion of the Connective Cities Network through encouraging more active and practical involvement of its current and new members.


Weitere Informationen: Präsentationen und Erklärvideo:

Entwicklung von verbesserten Covid-19-Lösungen auf kommunaler Ebene im Bereich der Digitalisierung

Entwicklung von verbesserten Covid-19-Lösungen auf kommunaler Ebene im Bereich des Krisenmanagements






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