Publikationen - Details

Connective Cities Dialogue Event

2017 - Sustainable Urban Mobility: Strategies and Pathways towards More Efficient, Inclusive and Environmentally Sustainable Cities

erstellt von:

Sabine Hammer

herausgegeben von:

Connective Cities


Connective Cities’ dialogue event “Sustainable urban mobility: strategies and pathways towards more efficient, inclusive and environmentally sustainable cities” gathered practitioners from 10 countries from 19 to 21 June 2017 in Bremen; more than 30 participants joined from South Africa, Brazil, Lithuania, Macedonia, Namibia, Thailand and Germany.

The main results of the event are documented in this report. Major aspects of the topic are laid out and the local experiences presented at the event are summarised. The report also highlights key outcomes of the peer to peer advice and action planning sessions. The planning slot resulted in four project ideas addressing more sustainable solutions for the ever rising urban traffic challenges for different cities all over the globe. These ideas are outlined briefly at the end of this publication. The documentation also seeks to inform readers about the way Connective Cities works. It describes the approach as well as the methodology used in the event and explains how the Connective Cities’ network supports joint learning, knowledge exchange and municipal cooperation across the world.






Connective Cities


Connective Cities

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