Neueste Publikationen

Establishing a Primary Healthcare Center

2024 - The Partnership between Al Mohammara (Lebanon) and Opfenbach (Germany)

GIZ & Engagement Global with its Agency Communities in One World

Action for Cool Cities: Pathways for carbon reduction in buildings and improvement of outdoor thermal comfort

2023 - Documentation of the Connective Cities Learning Process

Connective Cities

Wassersensitive Stadtplanung: Wie lässt sich Starkregen und Sturmwasser besser managen?

2023 - Ergebnisse der Connective Cities-Dialogveranstaltung vom 06. bis 08. Dezember 2022 in Köln in Zusammenarbeit mit den Stadtentwässerungs-betrieben Köln (StEB Köln) und United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG)

Connective Cities

Ideen zur Nachahmung: nachhaltige Stadtentwicklungsplanung in Deutschland

2023 - Stationen einer Deutschlandreise des Stadtplanungs- und Baugenehmigungsamtes des Großraums Amman, Jordanien, im August 2022

Connective Cities

Urban Gardening Guidebook


Connective Cities

Cities Challenge: 2030 Agenda meets Urban Climate Action

2021 - How small-scale projects at local level can contribute to big-scale goals at global level

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Municipal energy efficiency projects in MENA

2021 - Detailed documentation of Connective Cities' virtual dialogue event, 18- 21 May 2021

Connective Cities

Local Economic Development (LED) and Job Creation in Middle East and North Africa

2021 - Connective Cities Virtual Local Projects Workshop from 19th to 25th of January 2021

Connective Cities

COVID-19 implications in the Mediterranean

2021 - Promoting data-driven processes in the response and recovery from the pandemic through regional collaboration and peer learning

