Low Carbon Mobility Planning in Chiang Mai

Solutions for low carbon mobility and transit-oriented development

Local Project Planning Workshop, 12 - 14 July 2017 in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Urban transport planners and representatives of civil society and private sector from Chiang Mai Municipality in Northern Thailand and from Germany gathered on July 12-14, 2017 for a three-day workshop to discuss and advise the urban mobility planning of Chiang Mai and identify practical solutions for embarking on a low carbon mobility strategy.
The workshop was organized in cooperation with Thai Environment Institute (TEI) and the Local Government of Chiang Mai Municipality.
While good practices from Germany (Leipzig, Berlin) were exchanged and lessons extracted for possible transfer, the key objective was to provide recommendations to the Chiang Mai City Government on how to proceed with the strategy to strengthen the public transport system and reduce the use of private vehicles, i.a. by focusing on transit oriented development, providing alternatives to private cars and improving walkability and the use of bicycles.

According to local experts participating in the workshop, after Chiang Mai became the strategic regional growth center of the Northern region of Thailand, the city has been seriously suffering from traffic congestion due to rapid economic growth and expansion of the tourism sector as well as increasing population growth which resulted in urban sprawl and ill-connected settlement areas.
According to Chiang Mai’s urban transport master plan the goal is to increase the share of public transport by 30 percent by the year 2030 to make Chiang Mai a livable city, preserve its cultural heritage and reduce air pollution.
In order to balance physical urban development and mobility, transport demand will have to be shifted to public transport and to non-motorized means, particularly in the inner city areas.

Agenda & Präsentationen


Local Project Planning Workshop: Low Carbon Mobility Planning in Chiang Mai
[pdf, 12 Seiten, 807 kb, englische Sprache]


[pdf, 12  Seiten, 1,89 mb, englische Sprache]


Transport Planning for Low Carbon Mobility in Secondary Cities: The Case of Chiang Mai
Prof. Douglas Webster, Arizona State University
[pdf, 27 Seiten, 2,76 mb, englische Sprache]


Concept of car-reduced city center in Leipzig
Jan Rickmeyer, City of Leipzig
[pdf, 10 Seiten, 3,22 mb, englische Sprache]

Access Restriction Schemes in German and European Cities
Thomas Kiel, German Cities Association (Deutscher Städtetag)
[pdf, 9 Seiten, 915 kb, englische Sprache]

Electro-mobility as means against Climate Change in German Cities
Thomas Kiel, German Cities Association (Deutscher Städtetag)
[pdf, 18 Seiten, 1,92 mb, englische Sprache]

Strategic cycling development and promotion in Leipzig
Jan Rickmeyer, City of Leipzig
[pdf, 10 Seiten, 2,54 mb, englische Sprache]


The Sustainable Urban Transport in Chiang Mai
Trinnawat Suwanprik, Chiang Mai Municipality
[pdf, 20 Seiten, 17,55 mb, englische Sprache]

Contraflow Bike Lane and Bicycle Road to promote Safe and Sound Cycling in the Center of Chiang Mai City
Nirandorn Potikanond, Advisor of Chiang Mai Sunday Cycling Club
[pdf, 25 Seiten, 4,53 mb, englische Sprache]

A Study on Chiang Mai Public Transport Master Plan
Dr. Boonsong Satayopas, Chiang Mai University
[pdf, 22 Seiten, 3,51 mb, englische Sprache]


The workshop provided a better understanding of the Low Carbon Mobility concept and its local application by learning from successful models in other places. By means of practical concepts, future transportation systems and related traffic infrastructures for Chiang Mai were conceptualized towards a long term integrated and sustainable mobility system including intelligent traffic planning and considering settlement development as well as land use issues.
Furthermore, the workshop supported consensus building in the current infrastructure planning process in Chiang Mai municipality and enhanced working relationships between and among different stakeholders that would lead to a more sustainable urban development. Three action plans were elaborated to be implemented in Chiang Mai, that are:

  • enhancing the use of public transport system,
  • supporting walkability and cyclability in the old town,
  • developing sub-centers using transit oriented development approaches.

To enhance the use of public transport, it is suggested apart from raising awareness of benefits through various media including social media among local people, to increase frequency of public buses and improve connectivity among the existing public transportation systems. Moreover, cooperating with the numerous schools, colleges, and universities in the city to support the use of school buses and public transport is seen as a huge opportunity to reduce the number of private car use. Promoting of walking and cycling requires enhancement of safety measures for cyclists such as prioritized bike lanes, speed limit controls for motorized vehicles, and enforced restriction of car parking on bike lanes. Development of feasible sub-centers requires concentrating on the nodes and their functional uses as well as linking them with public transportation systems.
Local participants furthermore proposed to set up a working group, chaired by the Governor or Deputy Governor to start working on the details of each plan as well as to follow-up implementation, promote, and cooperate the plan with various stakeholders. This will include to check on technical and financial feasibility and to look for finance from third parties.


Lokaler Projektworkshop
Low Carbon Mobility Planning in Chiang Mai
12.– 14.Juli 2017 in Chiang Mai, Thailand
[pdf, 8 Seiten, 416 kb, englische Sprache]

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