Neueste Publikationen

Unturning the Stones – Exploring Climate Finance for Asian Cities

2022 - Documentation of the event held on the Connective Cities platform from the 28th to the 30th of September 2021


Creating sustainable cities through low-carbon freight

2021 - EcoLogistics in Argentina, Colombia and India

ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability e.V.

Cities SHIFT: Capacity building and networking for climate- and people-friendly mobility report

2020 - Measuring ecomobility in six cities in China, India, and Uganda

ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability

Reclaiming the Streets of Fortaleza, Brazil

2019 - transport is dying - transport is thriving, sustainable transport issue 30

Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP)

BRICS Cities

2017 - Facts and analysis 2016

South African Cities Network

Investing in Urban Resilience

2016 - Protecting and Promoting Development in a Changing World

World Bank

Challenges of Organising Flood Management

2015 - Connective Cities Dialogue Event

Connective Cities

Promoting Innovative and Sustainable Start-ups

2015 - Dialogue Event Connective Cities in Berlin, Germany

Connective Cities

Stärkung der Funktionen von intermediären Städten im sub-nationalen Kontext

2015 - Erste Dialogveranstaltung von Connective Cities in Lateinamerika

Connective Cities
