Dialogue events and practitioners' workshops

Core elements for sharing experiences and a basis for the development of project ideas

The Connective Cities dialogue events and workshops for practitioners are core elements of exchange between municipal practitioners in the Community of Practice in the thematic field of sustainable urban development.  A practice-oriented exchange of experiences on effective solutions and approaches opens up new learning opportunities that are processed by and then fed into the Community of Practice. This generates a learning cycle that reinforces itself while simultaneously creating new synergies among participants. These event formats frequently become the starting points for long-term, multilateral learning processes. The latter, in their turn, forge local change projects.

For the running of international dialogue events, Connective Cities has developed an approach that is both participatory and practice-oriented. This enables identification and dissemination of Good Practices, and lays foundations for future project activities leading to innovative solutions for sustainable urban development. This methodological approach is described in detail in the Guide to our dialogue events.

In the following, you will find detailed documentations on the dialogue events and practitioners workshops that have been run so far.

From practice

Deep Dive: Heat in the city

04/03/2024 to 07/03/2024

As a second milestone of the Deep Dive process, a workshop was held in Nairobi from 4 to 7 March 2024. The workshop…


Climate-friendly construction with organic and recycled materials

13/11/2023 to 15/11/2023
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research , Potsdam, Germany

Steel and concrete are the most widely-used construction materials around the world, but producing and using them in…


Organised volunteers and spontaneous responders: their special role in disaster management


During natural disasters or other emergencies, organised volunteers and spontaneous responders help professional rescue…

